
The Regional Group on Risks, Emergencies and Disasters for Latin America and the Caribbean (REDLAC) is a regional coordination platform for disaster preparedness and response, which emerged as a way to stimulate joint understanding and analysis and rapprochement from the regional level at the global level and at the national level.


Among the main objectives of this Regional Protection Group are to achieve a common understanding of the phenomenon of violence and displacement in the countries of the NCA and Mexico, its causes, its humanitarian impact in the region, and the protection needs of the affected population; as well as to increase the visibility of the problem at the regional and global levels. Since 2023 HIAS has been producing regular newsletters on violence, displacement, and protection. The analysis is based on semi-structured interviews with more than 100 humanitarian organizations and academic institutions working in Honduras, Guatemala, El Salvador and Mexico, as well as a monitoring of official statistics, press, studies of academic institutions and civil society.

New Snapshot

An Update on the Protection Crisis in Northern Central America and Mexico
November 2023 – April 2024